TQ Technology: Where Smart Technology Meets Office Innovation

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In contrast to IQ, TQ means something different entirely. TQ stands for “trainability quotient”. It is a term used to describe the ease in which someone or something can be trained. When applied to the office, it is the ability of the office’s technology to learn and grow according to the needs of the company. TQ explores technology’s highly scalable and limitless amounts of potential. Learning to operate within the boundaries of static office technology becomes an antiquated practice with TQ. Automation and digital based operations define the efficiency of workflows, which requires a high TQ.

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TQ & Innovation

TQ relates to technology in many ways. It was first brought as a concept to describe how AI, like Watson, continue to evolve- learning the best ways to accomplish a task or how to synergize with the world and its users. With AI and machine learning, TQ becomes the standard by which a machine’s potential for growth is measured. TQ is an advantageous approach to intelligence because it prioritizes and encourages adaptability and innovation throughout the machine’s usefulness or life span. Instead of having to operate within the limiting set of parameters that define what a piece of technology can do or investing a wealth of human input into driving innovation, innovation can simply occur as the machine learns the best ways to approach a task.


Innovation is important because it redefines the boundaries of what is potential. In a complex technological world, a focus on TQ is a necessity for an office to maintain its competitive advantage. By not adopting a focus on TQ, a company cannot keep pace with the dynamic environment of technological innovation.

Innovate and Adapt Pull Out Quote

TQ is just that; a radical revaluation of the way in which companies approach workflow optimization.


TQ & Workflows

The application of TQ to office technology is essential to workflow optimization. A pivotal starting point for this application is the printer. TQ, rather unassuming machine, is the central hub in which the office defines its workflows. Documents, charts, data, and more all at one point or another go through a printer. These document-based workflows are often the source of troubling lapses and an unnecessary lack of innovation. In fact, 65% of documents are thrown away or recycled the same day they’re printed. Documents are not a technological medium and therefore can hinder the progress of technological innovation within the office as well as be an organizational and logistical nightmare. There’s a reason 23% of calls to the help desk are printer related.


To put this in perspective, the third highest cost in the office is more often than not, printing (behind payroll and rent) and can cost up to 3% of annual revenue. Nine out of ten North American companies don’t know their annual printing costs. Moreso, three of four offices surveyed “experienced serious business risk and/or compliance issues as a direct result of broken document processes.” As you review your printing strategy: Does it seem wasteful? Does it seem as though the printer is creating downtime with the document culture it produces? 

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Printing strategies are critical to examine because, as stated previously, they can be a source of frustration, stagnation, and serious cost.


Where Innovation Meets Automation

TQ applies to printers with one purpose in mind, to train your office technology into being a self-sustaining, cloud-based digital platform that can constantly automate and learn the proper procedures to help create an innovative and revolutionized office workflow system.


When it comes to workflows and changing technological landscapes, automating workflows with devices utilizing TQ technology is an essential step to maximizing your office’s capacity and efficiency. New strategies that revolve around what TQ can bring allows the office to work smart, train hard, and be at the forefront of your office’s innovation and competitive advantage.

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Categories: Office Automation, Innovation

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