Office1 News & Culture

Office1 hosts Outside the Office at the Marconi Automotive Museum

calendar icon Oct 11, 2019 2:30:00 PM | by Christopher Chavez

This week, Office1 hosted it's third "Outside the Office: Deep Dive into the Dark Web" event at the Marconi Automotive Museum. 



LA County Chief Information Security Officer Jeffrey Aguilar was our featured speaker. Aguilar, who has over 20 years of experience in information security gave an inside look into the current threat landscape with botnets, exploits and malware hitting an all-time high in the second quarter of 2019, up 4 percent, the outlook going forward and offered his key recommendations and types of preventative, detective and corrective controls available to safeguard you data that could otherwise end on the dark web. These controls include cyber hygiene, policy management, operational oversight and board, integrated and automated defenses.

After Aguilar's in-depth peek into the threat landscape that he sees throughout LA County, Office1's own Security expert Gideon Ford dug deeper into the threats specific to business and the tools and services that can be utilized to protect your valuable data. Data (social security numbers, banking account information, address and phone numbers and personal medical information) is becoming the new resource that can easily be snatched up, bought and sold in the unindexed dark web. With those looming threats, Ford offered advice for the small things you can do today to protect your data ranging from signing up for credit monitoring, checking your credit report and changing your passwords to pass-phrases, implementing two factor authorization.

Office1 would like to thank our speakers, Jeffrey Aguilar and Gideon Ford, everybody that came out to attend this fun and educational event, the Marconi Automotive Museum and our entire team that helped make this incredible event possible.

To see more pictures from the event, click below!

Outside the Office Pictures

Categories: Orange County, Los Angeles

Christopher Chavez

About Christopher Chavez

Chris is a dedicated and crafty wordsmith as well as a charming and chivalrous gentleman. He is known far and wide as a king of karaoke with an uncanny ability to quote movies and lift spirits.

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