Q › Who is D'Alessio?

A: We are an award-winning global law firm practicing U.S. immigration and entertainment law. We pride ourselves on providing high-quality legal representation with a focus on excellent client service and individualized attention with cross-border business and immigration. 


Q › What was your business network like before Office1?

A: We were working with no onsite server. Instead, we used onsite software systems with limited space for file storage and backups, limiting our office productivity.


Q › When did you know you needed IT support?

A: IT issues impacted day-to-day operations and needed to be addressed, with no expert to address them. With overlapping needs and concerns, it was important we found a technology partner that could help us at every level, from help desk support to strategic technology planning.

Q › How did Office1 help?

A: We reached out to Office1 to facilitate an IT transition and provide Help Desk Support and Server Management. Their team worked with us to develop and provide the annual IT work plan and budget, as well as ongoing IT support.


Q › What did you hope to accomplish with this partnership?

A: The primary goal was to offer our employees anytime access to information, reduce the complexity and time spent managing IT systems, and improve document workflows.

These goals required a transition to cloud services, an onsite server to be built and the installation of PaperCut software. Office1 started by deploying a centralized workstation and print management software, ensuring systems were kept up-to-date, secure and organized. With more than 42 employees, centralized management was a complex endeavor. PaperCut software and Office1 Desktop & Server Management software was put in place and email was migrated from Google G-Suite to Office365. Office365 was deployed to all computers, including OneDrive for Business, providing more capacity for staff to work from anywhere. With PaperCut installed, the tracking of documents for cases is now being billed and internal user printing is being tracked.


Q › How are your business operations after this improvement?

A: The software transition proved to be a great success for our whole team. Moving to Office365 and Office 2016 has improved efficiency and reliability for our entire office environment. PaperCut software has cut internal printing usage costs so we can now bill the client a standard, upfront fee for prints per case from the Office1 document imaging solution.





D'Alessio Law Group is an award-winning global law firm practicing in U.S. immigration and entertainment law.

Industry: Legal

Company Size: 50+

Location: Los Angeles, CA

Solutions: Office365, PaperCut, The Cloud



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