Office1 News & Culture

Office1 takes part in RingCentral Day

calendar icon Sep 20, 2019 8:37:00 AM | by Christopher Chavez

This week, Office1 Las Vegas hosted RingCentral for RingCentral Day. It was a full day of training and driving customer engagement. Our teams also had the chance to win some great prizes.


IMG_8295RingCentral Office 1 Unified Communications as a Service UCAAS


Everybody rallied together and hit the phones and learned more about RingCentral, Office1's UCAAS (Unified Communications as a Service) all-in-one solution to enterprise communication featuring audio calls and conferencing, data sharing, desktop sharing, email/fax/instant messaging as well as video and web conferencing and mobility features.  The RingCentral team provided delicious food, tasty drinks and a day of fun at the Office1 headquarters.


RingCentral Office1 video and web conferencing


Business Development Representative Wilmer walked away the big winner after an incredible day. He won the grand prize along with some fun RingCentral swag including a brand new set of Apple AirPods among a ton of other items.


Office1 RingCentral


Thank you Jessica, Jessica, Billy and Jake from RingCentral for helping us put together this fun and competitive event.

Contact us today to learn about the customizable solutions that Office1 can provide to your office. 

Categories: Las Vegas

Christopher Chavez

About Christopher Chavez

Chris is a dedicated and crafty wordsmith as well as a charming and chivalrous gentleman. He is known far and wide as a king of karaoke with an uncanny ability to quote movies and lift spirits.

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