Office1 News & Culture

An Office1 Opportunity to say Thank You

calendar icon May 30, 2019 7:56:25 AM | by Christopher Chavez

In honor of Administrative Professionals Day, Office1 would like to recognize and thank our treasured administrative staff at each and every Office1 location.


Office1 Administrative Professionals Day


Our offices and people wouldn’t be as successful or efficient without the hard work you put in each and every day!

National Administrative Professionals’ Day, also known as Secretaries Day or Admin Day,  is observed on the Wednesday of the last full week in April of each year.  

This day of recognition has gone through several makeovers over the years reflecting changing administrative job titles and responsibilities. Before there was an Administrative Professionals Day, there was a National Secretaries Day, created in 1952. While its name has changed, the purpose of Administrative Professionals Day remains the same: to celebrate and shed light on our administrative team's devoted and valued work.


Office1 Administrative Professionals Day


Categories: Culture, Bay Area, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Inland Empire

Christopher Chavez

About Christopher Chavez

Chris is a dedicated and crafty wordsmith as well as a charming and chivalrous gentleman. He is known far and wide as a king of karaoke with an uncanny ability to quote movies and lift spirits.

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