Richard Bales | Office1 Author

Richard grew up in the Las Vegas area and has lived there since. He has been with Office1 for two and a half years, and with the Helpdesk team for 2 years. Richard has had an interest in computers since his childhood and has grown up using them in his day to day life. Going from computer games to a career path revolving around computers and technology, he has always enjoyed the technology field. He now works to provide aid to customers for day-to-day issues and helps offer more specified assistance and guidance with knowledge on Phone Systems, UCaaS, and Networks.

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Office 1 Videos

How to Find Out if Your Data is on the Dark Web
The Talent Pool That Comes With Outsourced IT
Your Data Is On The Dark Web... Now What?
Cultivating More Profit: The ROI Behind IoT for the Cannabis Industry
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